Thursday 10 November 2016

Love letter from Judy Garland to Frank Sinatra up for auction

Starting on November 10 collectors all over the world are given the chance to bid on a remarkable love letter written by Judy Garland and addressed to Frank Sinatra. Boston – based RR Auction will make online bidding available for anyone interested in this rare item up until the 17th. The letter was estimated at over $4000 but it is expected to be sold for a lot more given its content and its recipient.
The four pages long letter on two 4.5 X 5.5 inch adjoining sheets is thought to be written somewhere around 1949 as it is not dated. The item also includes the original transmittal envelope which has the same handwriting as the letter itself. Both the letter and the envelope are in fine condition, except for some minor toning along the fold. 

As it turns out, the letter is quite intimate and according to Page Six it was written to explain Judy Garland’s sudden departure from the Hamptons where she actually met the famous musician. She writes: “I shan’t forget the hours we’ve spent together—ever! I’ll let you know how everything goes on this trip. In the meantime—take good care of yourself—be happy and have lots of fun and laughs. […]Goodbye my darling—I hope we see each other soon. Please don’t forget about me. Think about me because I shall be thinking of you.”

Despite the fact that at the time she was still married to director Vincente Minnelli she began seeing Frank Sinatra ever since 1949 when the letter is thought to having been written. Additionally, this affair was said to have resumed somewhere around 1955 when Judy Garland and her third husband Sid Luft got separated.

In any case, the auctioned off letter has an incredibly familiar tone and it’s also familiarly signed “Judy” and it might be an additional indication or proof that the alleged affair between the two was not as hypothetical as people have suggested. RR Auction claims that this is probably one of the most revealing love letters between two of the most iconic stars of the century. This is probably the reason why it has been estimated that it will be sold for a staggering $4000.

Anyone interested in bidding on this item or in learning more about it can check out RR Auction’s webpage. Additional details can also be found on their Facebook page or their Twitter account.

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